Huntington Lawn Cemetery

Shelton, Connecticut

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Lawn Cemetery

Huntington Lawn Cemetery is a small burial ground located on Lane Street in Huntington Center (Shelton), Connecticut. The Cemetery is unique in that it is bisected by a golf course. The older section of the cemetery is before the course; you can see the newer section across the course farther down the street. Huntington Lawn was incorporated in 1879 with the majority of the stones dating from the mid-1900s to the present. There are a number of firefighters and Armed Forces veterans (particularly the Navy) interred here; I found it intriguing that many of the Navy personnel were female. The town recently founded a new cemetery, Huntington Lawn South, about a half a mile south on Huntington Street.

Huntington Lawn Cemetery is the final resting place of aviation pioneer, Clarence Duncan Chamberlin.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 1678.

Photos were taken 11 July 2012.

View from entrance

View of the cemetery from the entrance.


The oldest stone I came across:


Nov. 5, 1828.

Feb. 18, 1909.


His Wife

Feb. 7, 1830.

July 6, 1898."

Clarence Chamberlin space saver Clarence Chamberlin

"Clarence D. Chamberlin

1893 - 1976

First man to fly non-stop New York to Germany carrying passenger 1927; set world's closed course endurance record 1927; set altitude record 1932; aircraft designer, builder and pilot. Elected Teterboro Hall of Fame 1972."

James Barron Taylor



Feb. 25, 1977 - May 23, 1989

A newspaper carrier

"who died on the job"


Jimmy Taylor, 1989

The river by my house

so small, yet so big

The river by my house

sometimes dirty, sometimes clean

The river by my house

sometimes dark, sometimes bright

For no matter what day

no matter what time

the river by my house

is as pretty as life itself


Old Lawn Cemetery

New Lawn Cemetery

The older section of Huntington Lawn Cemetery as seen from the newer section; view of the smaller, newer area from the older area (golf course in between).

All photos copyright by the author, 2012. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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