Endymion's Repose - Connecticut Cemeteries

Mountain Grove Cemetery

I created this site as a way to share my fascination with some of our local cemeteries. They abound with history, art, nature, and beauty. Each cemetery's page has photos of the cemetery, pictures and inscriptions of artistically or historically noteworthy monuments, and anecdotes of any famous interments or legends associated with the cemetery.

I welcome all comments, but first, a disclaimer: I meant no disrespect in taking and posting these photos. They are all originals and were obtained ethically and with the utmost reverence. All photos copyright by the author, 2008-2025. Not to be used or reproduced without permission. If there is a particular photo you are interested in, please contact me. All photos were taken with a digital camera, unless otherwise specified.

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For more updates, news, and memorials, you can now follow Endymion's on Facebook.

This site was created on 15 October 2008.

space saver

Endymion's was last updated on 21 November 2024. The latest changes:

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Lindblad memorial space saver Lindblad flat stone

Lars-Eric Lindblad, founder of Lindblad Travel

21 November 2024 - Added some biographical information to Lars-Eric Lindblad, inhabitant of Westport's Willowbrook Cemetery, including stories of the accomplishments and ultimate sinking of his pioneering Antarctic cruise ship, the MV Explorer.

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Oscar Leander Johannson Palmquist

"Survivor of R.M.S. Titanic"

17 November 2024 - Discovered more to the story of Titanic survivor and later, murder victim, Oscar Leander Johansson Palmquist. Visit Mountain Grove Cemetery's page (Bridgeport) for the tragic, yet fascinating, story.

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East Village Cemetery

East Village Cemetery

6 November 2024 - I took a long wander in East Village Cemetery in Monroe, uploading additional photos to its page and revising the cemetery's informational narrative. The older stones (prior to the mid-1800s), like in other local cemeteries, are deteriorating rapidly. I found a few older stones that were still legible, and I broadened the story of William Tucker and his (acquitted) killer, Foster Marsh Cargill, both buried in East Village.

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stone detail, 1700s

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The towns (and cemeteries) are arranged alphabetically, from Bethel to Westport.


The Mystery of Bridgeport's Missing Cemeteries

Connecticut's "Little Salem": Stepney


Bethel Cemetery - Elmwood Section

Center Cemetery

Stony Hill Cemetery

Wolfpit Cemetery


Lakeview Cemetery

Mountain Grove Cemetery - you'll find many famous and/or notable personages, including P.T. Barnum, Tom Thumb, country music pioneer Vernon Dalhart, lyricist Fanny Crosby, Titanic survivor (and murder victim) Oscar Johansson Palmquist, and Major League baseball player Neal Ball. Mountain Grove also boasts some of the most astounding monuments in Fairfield County. This amazing cemetery has three pages dedicated to it.

Old Stratfield Cemetery (Pequonnock Cemetery)

Park Cemetery

Saint Augustine Cemetery

ARTICLE: The Mystery of Bridgeport's Missing Cemeteries

Mountain Grove


Old Derby Uptown Burying Ground (Colonial Cemetery) - supposedly the oldest public cemetery in the country. The oldest surviving stone dates from 1687 and there are numerous legible stones from the early 1700s.


Aspetuck and Center Street Cemeteries

Bennett Cemetery

Den Cemetery - Easton's first integrated cemetery, dating from the 1820s. Small burial ground on private property, accessible only by permit (which is available to restricted personnel).

Gilbertown Cemetery

Lyon Cemetery

Mountain Grove Cemetery (formerly Maple Grove Memorial Park)

Union Cemetery - according to paranormal experts Ed & Lorraine Warren, "the most haunted cemetery in the country." This cemetery is a frequent stop for the notorious "White Lady." Included on the page are some intriguing photos taken at night. Union Cemetery is also the final resting place of Blues-guitar legend, Johnny Winter.

Union Cemetery


Greenfield Hill Burial Ground - contains more Revolutionary War veterans than any other cemetery in the country. It is also the resting place of veterans of the French and Indian War, Civil War and War of 1812.

Oak Lawn Cemetery and Arboretum - final resting place of multiple award-winning actor, Jason Robards, and television icon, Mary Tyler Moore.

Old Burying Ground

Old West Cemetery

Mary Tyler Moore's stone


Hamden Plains Cemetery


Milford Cemetery - still has several legible tombstones from the late 1600s and many from the early 1700s.


Birdsey's Plain/Stepney Cemetery - boasts the final resting place of paranormal experts, Ed and Lorraine Warren.

Cutler's Farm and Elm Street Cemetery

East Village Cemetery

Monroe Center Cemetery

St. John's Cemetery

Walker's Farm Cemetery

ARTICLE: Connecticut's "Little Salem": Stepney

Detail, Sanford memorial, Long Hill - Shelton


Botsford Cemetery

Bradley Cemetery

Flat Swamp Cemetery No. 1

Flat Swamp Cemetery No. 2

Huntingtown Cemetery

Land's End Cemetery

Morgan Cemetery

Newtown Village Cemetery


Sandy Hook Cemetery

St. Rose of Lima Parish Cemetery

Taunton Cemetery

Zoar Cemetery

Ed & Lorraine Warren


Riverside Cemetery (Zoar Bridge Cemetery)


Christ Church Cemetery

Great Pasture Road Cemetery (Old Congregational Church Cemetery; Old Redding Cemetery)

Hopewell Burying Ground (Ferry Cemetery)

Hull Cemetery

Lonetown Cemetery (Isaac Hamilton Cemetery)

Marchant Cemetery

Redding Center Cemetery

Redding Ridge Cemetery

Sanford Burial Ground

Umpawaug Cemetery - final resting place of Mary Travers, of '60s folk trio, Peter, Paul and Mary ("Puff the Magic Dragon") and Jazz legend, Dave Brubeck. Also home to some rather unusual monuments for artists, authors and others.

Detail, Kay monument, Redding Ridge


Great Hill Cemetery (Hookman's Cemetery)

Squantuck Cemetery


Huntington Lawn Cemetery

Huntington Lawn South

Long Hill Burial Ground

Lower White Hills Cemetery

Old Cemetery of Huntington

Riverside Cemetery - features the impressive memorial of Colonel Watson J. Miller, a 32nd-degree Mason. (Thirty-three is the highest level attainable within the Masons.) Includes a statue of the colonel, mausoleum, and stairs flanked by two sphinxes.

Upper White Hills Cemetery

Watson Miller mausoleum


Putney-Oronoque Cemetery

St. John the Baptist, Russian Orthodox Cemetery - resting place of aviation pioneer, Igor Sikorsky, and Rockabilly Hall of Fame inductee, Eddie Sulik.

St. Michael's Cemetery


Brinsmade Cemetery (Trumbull Burial Ground 1876 )

Daniels Farm Burial Ground

Gate of Heaven Cemetery

Gregory Four Corners Burial Ground - where the Monroe "witch," Hannah Cranna Hovey, is interred. Page includes some interesting photos taken Halloween night (2010).

Long Hill Burial Ground

Nichols Farms Burial Ground Ye Old West Yard 1806

Nichols Village Cemetery (Nichols Farm Burial Ground, 1850)

Riverside Cemetery - where Nero Hawley, a slave freed in recognition of his service in the Revolution, is buried. Hawley's burial site is a stop on Connecticut's "Freedom Trail."

Tashua Burial Ground

Unity Burial Ground (Trumbull Burial Ground 1730)

Grouping of footstones


Coley Cemetery (Norfield Cemetery)

Lyons Plain Cemetery (Emmanuel Episcopal Church Cemetery)

Tharp Cemetery


Assumption Cemetery Old (Old Catholic Cemetery)

Christ and Holy Trinity Church Cemetery

Memorial Garden at the Unitarian Church of Westport - a unique layout hosts the resting place of actress Brett Somers, most popularly known for being a regular panelist on the 1970's game show, Match Game.

Old Burial Ground (Kings Highway Cemetery)

Platt Burial Ground

Willowbrook Cemetery - burial place of some of Fairfield County's rich and elite. View lavish mausoleums (including that of Walter Langer "Baron" von Langendorff) and some very unusual monuments.

Morgan Cemetery stone

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